Monday, 18 May 2009

(23) 杂(3)

报到之后第一件要做的事情就是办理居民证(Iqama Card).首先要在当地医院重复做身体检查(虽然大马申请visa时已经做了同样的检查)。拖拖拉拉了三个礼拜才拿到medical report. Luckily the Iqama application is faster in Yanbu compare to Jubail (east coast). So after getting my Iqama card, i can open my bank account and also convert my driving license.

In company lobby, there is a printing kiosk for you to print out all kind of supporting documents from company. i.e. proof of employment, salary, service period & etc. This is very convenient for employee and also avoid repeatable job for HRD. (LinTze ah! no more to print and ask SVP to sign those document whenever a supporting doc request from the employee, really waste of time)

You know the money I brought and advance I received on the first day almost use up. Last week my wallet only left over SR50 and I still owe the rental. So for this time, beside open account, I also want to take the opportunity to withdraw money from the ATM accept International withdrawal. So just snake out during office hour,nobody know and nobody care lah!...

这次主要是买咖啡,因为前天Ong送我的瑞士咖啡喝完了。实在paiseh搞到要跟打扫的尼泊尔小弟掏咖啡(Pantry not provide, normally keep in secretary office。I don't like to take there, you know I am a heavy consumer. 废事看人家嘴脸). 不说你不知,这里的nescafe很贵,小瓶装也要SR18,nescafe gold更死,200克SR45。这么贵打死都不卖!还好给我找到一个本地牌子,200克才SR12.60,不管咯反正就是咖啡嘛。而且我也觉得这里的nescafe味道比大马的清淡,冲泡的分量比以前多一倍也不觉得苦涩。



沙地是禁酒的国家,所以别休想买 得到酒。可是超市却可以看见类似啤酒和鸡尾酒的饮料。可就是不含酒精。我买了一瓶来试试看才SR3。

爱吃饼干或巧克力的人一定留意过这个牌子Loacker。它可是waffer 饼干中的王牌哦!价钱也不便宜。可是这里的轻便庄32包X25克=750克才 RM33。其实我早就看中它了,只是之前不够钱用所以才忍到现在。

看!经过两三天的沙尘暴后,泳池低沉淀了一层褐色的沙, 连那只小海豚都不见了。没关系,隔壁家的司机明天就会过来part time 一下,把它搞定!

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