我很喜欢收集酒店的洗澡用品和茶袋。你可以说我贪心什么的。可是我觉得那些小瓶子很漂亮也很精致。拿回家以后出门就方便很多,不用戴那些大瓶装。摆一些在厕所 其实也有装饰的效果。至于那些茶袋,口味很多而且又是高等货,没有理由不拿走吧!更何况你不可能买那么多种类的茶摆在家里,别忘记一种口味一盒就几十包,几时才喝得完呢!
我很喜欢收集酒店的洗澡用品和茶袋。你可以说我贪心什么的。可是我觉得那些小瓶子很漂亮也很精致。拿回家以后出门就方便很多,不用戴那些大瓶装。摆一些在厕所 其实也有装饰的效果。至于那些茶袋,口味很多而且又是高等货,没有理由不拿走吧!更何况你不可能买那么多种类的茶摆在家里,别忘记一种口味一盒就几十包,几时才喝得完呢!
Jan – 2010
Too many things want to update here…..
New life style = No life style
At the beginning of the first 2 months of working in Singapore, I can say the life style is super routine on the weekdays. Wake up around 6:00-6:20 am. Arrived at home around 7:30 pm. After simply dinner, sit on the sofa doing foot massage by (Osim) while watching the news. Around 10:00 - 10:30 pm went to bed. Went to sleep early because of tired and also worry if not enough sleep the 2nd day will be very tired.
In fact last time when I worked in PG, I wake up around 6:30-6:45pm….right after work still able to go salsa class or outing with friends. Normally 11pm arrive home and went to bed before 12am. But never feel tired as I felt now. Am I getting old? Stamina drop? Haha!...I will deny it.
I keep telling that I need time to adapt to new job. In my passed experience, the same thing happened to me that I will go to bed very early for the first 2-3 months.
And now…step into 4th month…seems like getting better….went to bed at 11 pm…
And now…start driving to work…less rushing as compared to taking public transport…
Hey! Won is coming back….Thomas is on the way…..
New old car….
2 weeks ago….went in Singapore view a Vios..2005. Condition is OK…but the appearance seems a bit not well kept. For me is OK, because my based line is 10 years old Iswara Aerobak haha! Irene didn’t feel good of the car, so rejected.
The 2nd day, found some in the website. Went in Singapore again, this time view the 2006 Vios with much lower mileage. Hey ! look very good internal and external compared to the earlier one. Straight away pay deposit.
Price S$30K….Hey! don’t convert to RM…very “heart pain” to pay this much for a 4 year old car.
Now driving my “New” car I feel good and a bit pressure…haha!..used to drive lousy car, so very rough on the road and never worry so much if scratch or hit by people.