Tuesday, 19 January 2010
(61 谁不爱美丽
曾经想过,如果有一天我中了彩票,我一定到整容院去做激光美白的疗程。哈哈! 你没听过“一白遮百丑”吗?哎呀!有钱的话,把自己弄得帅一点啦!
上个礼拜经朋友介绍到一家美容院去做个promotion trial(普通的保湿配套)。因为美容师太忙,做到一半换了另一个人。结果阴差阳错,那位美容师替我做了个《脉冲》去黑斑的配套。出来的效果蛮好的,可是10次的疗程配套比普通的贵上一倍。经过讨价和美容师的承诺(拍下之前之后的照片,如果没达到效果退会钱给我),我终于都签了10次送5次的优惠配套。其实后来算了算,真的非常便宜。平均每次的费用跟做个普通的护肤没有差别。
(60) 新(旧)车
Jan – 2010
Too many things want to update here…..
New life style = No life style
At the beginning of the first 2 months of working in Singapore, I can say the life style is super routine on the weekdays. Wake up around 6:00-6:20 am. Arrived at home around 7:30 pm. After simply dinner, sit on the sofa doing foot massage by (Osim) while watching the news. Around 10:00 - 10:30 pm went to bed. Went to sleep early because of tired and also worry if not enough sleep the 2nd day will be very tired.
In fact last time when I worked in PG, I wake up around 6:30-6:45pm….right after work still able to go salsa class or outing with friends. Normally 11pm arrive home and went to bed before 12am. But never feel tired as I felt now. Am I getting old? Stamina drop? Haha!...I will deny it.
I keep telling that I need time to adapt to new job. In my passed experience, the same thing happened to me that I will go to bed very early for the first 2-3 months.
And now…step into 4th month…seems like getting better….went to bed at 11 pm…
And now…start driving to work…less rushing as compared to taking public transport…
Hey! Won is coming back….Thomas is on the way…..
New old car….
2 weeks ago….went in Singapore view a Vios..2005. Condition is OK…but the appearance seems a bit not well kept. For me is OK, because my based line is 10 years old Iswara Aerobak haha! Irene didn’t feel good of the car, so rejected.
The 2nd day, found some in the website. Went in Singapore again, this time view the 2006 Vios with much lower mileage. Hey ! look very good internal and external compared to the earlier one. Straight away pay deposit.
Price S$30K….Hey! don’t convert to RM…very “heart pain” to pay this much for a 4 year old car.
Now driving my “New” car I feel good and a bit pressure…haha!..used to drive lousy car, so very rough on the road and never worry so much if scratch or hit by people.
(59) 面包+花生酱和野莓果酱
这是我一直以来爱吃的早餐。吃到第二天就发现原来一包RM2.10的白面包里面只有十二片,一天四片,三天就吃完。感觉很贵很不耐吃. 还记得我在沙地买的那种条状面包,九毛钱就有六条。一天一小条,吃到第五天往往第六条就丢掉,因为周末都不会吃面包当早餐,又或者第六天面包就变硬或发霉了。因为那里的面包都不加防腐剂。
在新加坡开工了一个多星期,每天带着紧张的心情从JB越过边界上班的确有点累。第一个礼拜我是搭Steven的顺风车,因为他的女友也是每天来回。在这个星期里,我每天都在纪录上下班每段路程的时间,希望能拿涅得准确一点,那么将来自己驾车便可以睡迟一点而又不必担心错迟到。其实他女友的工作时间比我准时而且也我工作地点也比她远一点。所以为了不让他们等我,放工时都得赶路 。其实我不想麻烦他们,而且打算自己驾车停放在JB custom.。很不巧的,Steven女友因特别因素没继续在新加坡工作。那么从第二个礼拜我便开始自己驾车放在Custom 。这样也好,我可以轻松上路,也不必担心让他们等。不过代价是得付12块钱的停车费。
Parking: RM12
Bus JB-Kranji: RM1
MRT Kranji-Commenwealth: S$1.30
Bus Commenwealth-Office: S$0.91
我工作地点有两个,一个是靠近Vivo City的总公司,另一个是靠近Jurong East南部的Penjuru Terminal。